MATER Press – Egyetemi Kiadványok

Adaptation and Standardization of the Difer Tests in Slovakia

Borbélyová, Diana és Józsa, Krisztián és Nagyová, Alexandra (2024) Adaptation and Standardization of the Difer Tests in Slovakia. In: Józsa, Krisztián és Borbélyová, Diana (Szerk.) Diagnostic Assessment of School Readiness. MATE Press, Gödöllő. pp. 13-30. ISBN 978-963-623-085-2 [PDF] 978-963-623-086-9 [Print]

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Tétel típusa: Könyvrészlet
Kulcsszavak: pedagogical diagnostics, developmental level of a child, testing school readiness, DIFER
Szakterület(ek): L Oktatás LB Oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata
L Oktatás LB Oktatás elmélete és gyakorlata LB1501 Alapfokú oktatás
Feltöltő: Sára G. Szabó
Elhelyezés dátuma: 28 Máj 2024 07:52
Utolsó változtatás: 29 Máj 2024 09:12
Kivonat, rövid leírás:

The importance of diagnosing a child's individual development is becoming increasingly important in the local areas. In the framework of pedagogical diagnostics, it is particularly important to know the basic skills that are necessary for a successful entry into the first year of primary school - i.e., to successfully master the role of a pupil. Pedagogical diagnostics of preschool children is only in its infancy in Slovakia. Standardized diagnostic tools for determining the school readiness and abilities of a child are also absent. The presented study portrays the fundamental aspects and progress of the KEGA project - Adaptation and standardization of DIFER (Diagnostic systems for assessing development) for 4-8-year-old children, the main purpose of which is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of pedagogical diagnostics in kindergartens and primary schools with Hungarian as the language of instruction in Slovakia, namely by adapting a foreign research tool.

Azonosító: 10.54597/mate.0104
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